Letters From a Young MS1

I recently came across a letter that I wrote years ago to my "future self." This letter was written in August 2014 on the day of my White Coat Ceremony at Harvard Medical School. I have decided to publish it here as a reminder to myself as I transition to Kia L. Byrd, MD, MPH.

Dear Dr. Byrd,

It has been four or five years since you've begun this incredible journey of self discovery, trials, tribulations, joy, happiness, anxiety, excitement, and everything in between. I hope that you remember your first couple of days at Harvard Medical School. You were eager to begin this exciting portion of your life, but also apprehensive and uncertain of the future. You often worried, after hearing about the fantastic accomplishments of your classmates, if you had what it took to be a successful student at HMS. At times you felt isolated, overwhelmed, stressed...but after conversations with family and your fellow peers, you knew that eventually you would hit your stride and be ok.

Remember the day of your White Coat Ceremony? You were excited and proud to stand before your parents in your new professional uniform, hoping that it would somehow elevate you in their eyes, from just their "baby girl" to a woman who could accept and fulfill her responsibilities. You also realized that you were standing at a crossroads, this weird place of ambiguity between a student and a physician...hence, a physician-in-training. It felt weird during your first hospital experience at Children's Hospital to don the white coat, to be included as part of the medical team, but completely ignorant of any knowledge related to clinical medicine. And during this period of ambiguity and stepping into your role as a physician-in-training, you also had an opportunity to reflect on the type of physician you hope to be.

Remember those things that you initially valued before medical school: racial uplift and social justice through medicine, compassion, empathy, and a tendency to cheer on the underdog. I hope that you have not gotten caught up in the prestige and self-promotion that you have perceived as a student of Harvard Medical School. Remain humble, and utilize your platform as a Harvard physician to speak up for those populations that you represent: Howard University, your family, your race, women, and all other groups that are under- or mis-represented. Don't let this symbol of the white coat detach you from your humanity. Preserve your sense of self and self-pride, individuality, and uniqueness among people. Call home, and never let work consume you and take you away from your duties as a sister, daughter, and friend.

I know that you are headed for even greater things, Dr. Byrd. Stay grounded and trust that the education which you have received will prepare you for excellence. Congratulations! You finally made it! I'll see you on the other side and am excited to meet you in four or five years. The best of luck in your future endeavors. I love you, Kia!


The younger version of you, Kia Byrd


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