So You Have a L’il Vacation Time? Here’s What to Do With It- Medical Student Edition

Vacation time. Aaaahhhhhh. As a fourth year medical student, nothing makes me happier than hearing those words. Vacation. Time. Both things that come in limited supply when you’re a med student. As I sit here at my computer, I think about the course of the past year and how far I’ve come as a student-doctor. I completed my third year rotations, a hodgepodge of clinical rotations, evaluations, and shelf-exams (blog coming soon about surviving your third year of medical school). I survived Step 1 (though admittedly, my ability to sit for a prolonged period of time while reading words from a book has forever vanished). I conquered the fourth year sub-internship in medicine. I’ve watched myself grow from a fledgling, a frightened newbie, who at times was even afraid to touch patients, to a competent medical team member operating efficiently at the level of an intern *gives self reassuring pat on the back.* Every once in awhile, HMS decides to bless its students with a break. An opport...